Why establish an employee benefits package?
Death in Service Life Cover
Income Protection
Stay competitive & Reduce turnover
A survey on employee benefits found that organisations that take a strategic approach to their benefits package, to recruit and retain employees, are nearly twice as likely to have more satisfied employees and to report better performance compared with organisations that do not implement a benefit strategy. (shrm.org)
92% of employees state benefits impact their job satisfaction
29% of employees citing their overall benefits package as a top reason to look for a position outside of their current organisation in the next 12 months
32% of employees were unlikely to look for a new role if they were happy with the benefits provided
Encourage Wellness through financial security
53% of all employees report being stressed about their finances
Implement on site financial planning and financial literacy seminars
Increase productivity and performance & reduce absenteeism
Provide peace of mind to your staff & their family
We help you stand out amongst the competition.
Our Personalised approach
We facilitate individualised employee benefits packages and ensure a designated team are available to your organisation at all times.
Active engagement with your staff increases membership and highlights the value of having such benefits in your employment package. The high level of service we provide reflects well on your organisation.
We very much recognise members’ legitimate and growing interest in their own pension pot and have found that with a clear understanding and investment strategy, they become a more self-reliant member and content employee.
What your staff can expect from O’Leary Life,
Introductory group presentation to all members, followed with one-to-one meetings. At each renewal date, we make ourselves available on location and again arrange personal meetings with members, as and when required.
Annual member benefit statement issued after renewal of the scheme each year – detailing performance of the funds, contributions paid, valuations and projected values at retirement.
On-line personalised access to the life company’s website, with daily valuations, contribution breakdown, fund performance, market commentary and financial calculators.
We are in direct communication with the company on a regular basis regarding contribution collection, claims, leavers, joiners – or any other changes to the scheme. Should the company wish, we correspond directly with the members for ancillary queries.
Members are provided with a dedicated email address and direct dial number for all queries.
A few of our clients.
We are the Employee Benefits/Group Pensions advisors to many companies across the country, some of whom allow us reference them accordingly, as pictured.
Whilst headquartered in Cork, we are a national organisation, with clients spread across the length and breadth of the Island.
We have offices in both Cork and Dublin and focus most specifically on schemes up to circa 150 members, to ensure we can continue to differentiate ourselves within the marketplace, by individualising schemes to the benefit of the member.